oh contrare, I am offering something VERY USEFUL, I am informing travellers entering Thailand, that they will NOT receive a stamp in their passport!
For the record, I don't live on a backward little island you dimwit. I lived and worked in Thailand for 21 years, after which I simply tour the world making my fortune; unlike saddos like you , who think that they are the bee's knees because they manage to survive in an area that you provide very little input; other than the bar girls 🤣🤣🤣
I am not sure what you mean by my little visit, I can only assume it is some sort of slur from a tiny minded ex pat 😯🤣🙏. I can assure you that there are no visible stamps on both mine and my wife's passports; smart arse 😯🤣🙏
There are no stamps in passports anywhere. I have just returned from a 2 month visit and can assure you that both my wife and myself have no stamps in our passports.
What sort of a stupid person would pose a question such as this? W,hile your at it, ask if it will be raining on the Wednesday of the week that you land 🙄🙏