The post spoke about <the argument of taking a risk>... Although I will admit if nobody knows about it, the risk is limited, but as the post was asking if <there is actually a risk>... Another one I just thought about is there is a Thai Police task force dedicated strictly to monitor Online activities and they have access to all the Bot technology available, so for anyone thinking they don't have time to monitor everything, it's good to be realistic about what technology can do and what tools are being used. Good to note, in most developed countries it takes a Judge warranting a search (=Search Warrant) prior to any Police doing a house visit, but here in Thailand,
ice are known for acting on a tip and just showing up as well as very well known for confiscating things for inspection, so that in fact this is one of the risks. Perhaps a good read recommendation is all 3 books of <Investigations of a Private Eye> which have priceless information and quite an entertaining read for those wanting to spend quality time in the Land of Smiles. Shoke dee na pi!
I believe the post read: <The argument that you're taking a risk, not so much, unless you can show a real example how that is actually a risk.> Not saying this will happen and truly hope it doesn't, but the fact is, it does definitely happen and Police do go to people homes unannounced... Important to note, in a constructive debate there is no place for casting judgment, so perhaps check out <On the up side> post just a few seconds later. Also, as mentioned in numerous posts including well known and respected Richard Barrow as well as Group Expert, Stuart Cummings, although nothing is official yet, there has been talk about establishing a Nomad Visa for a few years now, but with the effects of Covid requiring many to work online, Thai Gvt as acknowledged the new normal of Covid as brought forth a much greater demand for this type of Nomad Visa and the Gvt have formally expressed the greater need to take a serious look into how to implement this new type of Visa and has mentioned in Mr Barrow's report, there has been formal talks and more to come.
On the up side, there are some industries that have received special consideration by the Thai Gvt which allows a foreigner to open a Business and get a Work Permit without having to hire 4 Thai staff along with a few other favorable considerations. Just look it up and you might be able to find some ideas. Hope this helps and best of luck!
Risk is 4 or 5 motivated by the potential for money Policemen all showing up at your location and confiscating computer and phone for inspection... That is the risk my friend, what happens next is not gonna be Sabaii Sabaii sure ;o)
I totally agree with what Brandon said.... After over 10 years of doing border runs and living in Thailand, you want to have all your ducks in a row when you enter any country for that matter, but specially Thailand... I know of quite a few who were denied entry for the smallest of reasons including not being able to show the 20,000 Bahts upon request. Better to be a good boy scout and be ready when crossing borders. Hope this helps and Safe travels
Can stay here Illegally, but it would quite interesting to see him/her try to leave the country, PLUS Police do ask for Passports on occasion, so walking on eggs shells is definitely Not the type of life that is considered Sabaii Sabaii and if ever an accident should occur?!? Enough said... Shoke dee!
If you are granted a 30 Visa Exempt entry, Immigration as well as the airline may ask for a Onward Ticket and as a good boy scout, you should be ready for it... Just check . Got this request in Hong Kong recently and was glad I had it. Passed with flying colors ;o) I know its states valid for 72 hours, but I sent an email request and got a 7 day extension at no additional charge. Safe travels
Bangkok Bank has exactly that product and you can deposit the amount you want to have accessible on the Credit Cards which comes automatically in both Master and Visa... Hope this helps
For a Thai Citizen that is a guaranteed Yes, but under IATA rules and regulations, Airlines have the discretion to refuse any foreigner without a valid passport, so if you have a passport why risk it?
Immigration gives an initial 15 day Verification Period (1900 Bahts) , where they mostly check for Criminal history; then must go back to the Immigration office, to get another 45 days 😊 ( = 60 days total)