Great suggestions and like a good boy scout, wise to reserve this ahead of time just in case. Calling the Airline and keeping a contact persons name (Inflight Manager/ Check-in Senior Hostess/ Inflight Supervisor) for your flight and direct number is also a good thing to have. If you dress business appropriate, you would be allowed a free upgrade if they are not full. Safe travels !
Don't forget the Zoo with the Giraffes that love to eat out of your hands, the black panther that jumped from a rope to another 10 feet higher without hesitation and of course the baby tigers that love to fool around with visitors. Renting a motorcycle is not a bad option as it gives you the freedom to go anywhere. Safe travels!
My apologies I misread the part about Myanmar... I stand corrected. Thanks everyone for the redirect, I am sure it help the OP to gain more confidence about the right thing to do. Here is the website that might help to isolate more precisely what course of action is available.
Wait until you have a few days left on the 30 days and simply go to Immigration with your forwarding flight ticket and you will get a one time 7 day extension for 1900 Bahts. If your partner plans on wanting to come back to Thailand without any issues, best avoid Overstay stamp at all cost. Hope this helps and safe travels
Gret recommendations... I use the first 2 options often. They both offer money back guarantee and very fast delivery when Seller originates from Thailand, so you can order with confidence. Happy shopping !
With the Tiger having so much meaning and reverence here in the land of smiles, it's so far been a great inspiration for kids who normally shy away from talking in class to finally say what they feel about something. Nevertheless, might be a photo worth reconsideration, thanks for pointing it out.