You can put the address you previsually will be staying at as it only asks for the information not documents, you can also have a hotel booking, this can then be changed once arrived at immigration home office and update the address
yes provide the account that shows your getting an income from, not sure why your agent put freelance for soft power, usually that would be for online remote freelance workers, I put unemployed when I did my soft power and just showed savings to support my stay
Sam Trousdale send it again mate I think there flickering though these applications so quickly not looking into detail what you sent until it's sent separately, my friend had same issue in Cambodia and needed to basically shove it in there face to read it, good luck hopefully approved soon
If you put employed provide information regarding your income as it seems there now wanting proof of income to show you have funds to stay in Thailand not just the 500k, if you ticked unemployment provide proof of funds you will be living on during your time in Thailand
What did you put for your employment?, just show how your income is generated, or if unemployed show savings statement, Embassy's are wanting to know you have enough funds to cover your stay in Thailand plus 500k
I'm sure you need to a have Muay Thai gym near your home ! Unless you can explain to immigration when asked how you attend your classes, best you attend the local Muay Thai course where you live