Phil Jones I can appreciate that and point well taken, but read many comments from Mr. Johnston and all were just nonsense trolling comments. As for the tiger, all I am permitted to say is we went there to check things out and those abusing the tigers are now closed.
I have worked with immigration for many years and that is a very good list of things to include. One thing that also helps to demonstrate the level of commitment is a mutual bank account, dual insurance policy, , owning a house as well as other smaller things together and anything with a dual connotation is a positive as well as having a life insurance with the other as beneficiary all help to demonstrate the level of commitment. Airplane tickets showing you travelled together both hilight you being together as well as demonstrate your Gf has left and came back to her country of origin. Good to note that Immigration agents in most developed countries work with a point system and putting all this info together only helps to gather more valuable points. The only photo I usually recommend is a couple photo taken with a newspaper in 3 stages: one far away but still showing the front page of the paper and 2 subsequent close up to finally feature the date on the paper. Hope this helps and best of luck !
Numerous times I read your comments and Not one of them had any substance of positivity, nor any constructive potential whatsoever... Perhaps best to get out of your throll hole, sell the computer and go share your distorted opinions at the bar, maybe there you can find someone who cares or better yet, find someone to set you straight.
This prior to Covid of course, some airlines offer Concierge / Chaperon services. I believe this is for direct flights only, but worth checking out. Hope this helps and safe travels!
Usually the ones barking obscenities are the ones living in obscurity, cause they lack what it takes to be an active member of society. Pai ga glai leoiii tao jao lae, sao wow dee kwaa !
Depends if you were on a Visa Exempt entry... If that is the case, you are only normally allowed 2 Visa Exempt entries per year, but gimme a sec, I will try to find the Gvt website info
As Mr. Brandon mentioned, there are some very decent Serviced Apartments that will do daily, weekly and monthly rentals. Depending on where exactly you are going in Thailand, there are a few websites you can look at for rentals. An easy one is simply look for Facebook Rentals in the area you are going. Also, just do a key word search on Google and some rental websites will pop up. Shoke dee! = Good luck !