At the moment it looks impossible. very recent crackdown has meant agents can’t do it at the moment either. Even if you get a Non O else there’s no guarantee you’ll get an account as it’s not classe as a long term visa.
I meant cash in a Thai account. There’s no issue getting a visa with the cash it’s on,y the bank ‘dodge‘ that isn’t possible at the moment. However, these things usually settle down given time.
The visa part is only if you don’t have the money and need the bank to ‘fix’ your paperwork. If you have the cash in an account then you’re fine (assuming you have an account).
If it was a Multiple Entry Tourist Visa then you can use it for 6 months BUT you only get 60 days stay each time you enter. You can extend this by another 30 days but then you have to leave the country and re-enter.