Ken Gunderson I did not travel much but immigrated to Canada from France with a Canadian passport and worked legally in the US and now own a house in Thailand. There is a reason why officers do not like multiple border run. Most of those frequent border runs are done by low income people with a good chunk that do illegal work. Yes, there are some big spender that do border run but they usually find a a more suitable solution for long term stay. 1000 euro a month is peanuts for the economy.
This is immigrant life. Going through US and Canada customs was a tough one when I was immigrating there. If you want to get into a new country, you should toughen up, your visa does not mean that you get any differential treatment, it is up to the officer to make the decision. They do not like borders runs. I don't blame them as it is usually done by low income people that can potentially work illegally and do not bring anything to the country. And I am not saying that you are one.