Depends on the embassy. It was real quick and simple with the NY embassy. Copy of business registration, letter that I am company officer and can work remotely, and a personal bank statement showing I had the money in my personal account, passport and pix. Done in 30 days.
You are in the US. Move it and apply. They have not required seasoning of the money in the US. Put it in an account and ask the bank for a statement or print out a page with your name, date, bank name and balance from the bank. Make sure it's only in your name. Good luck
Make sure you have the print out of your visa. Either the PDF copy or the sticker in your passport depending where you filed. Enter and leave as you wish as often as you want. Don't stay in country longer than 180 days. No re-entry stamp required.
I don't think Americans realize how easy it is compared to other locations around the world. It may take up to 4 weeks for approval but some of the posts I have seen are people approved for the sketchiest reasons.