- The original post (OP) was declined. The OP is mute in that my question is clarified above. American, non OA ,retired, extension of stay. The insurance company is Aetna Health Insurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited.
nothing inconstant. Just a different way that it happens for you. What you you have is not the special “Direct Deposit Account”. Good to know this type of account is not necessary. I give the SS office the swift code to send the money direct the bkk. As I said. They chose to send it via NY. Cost for transfer is 10usd+500bt. (The first time they sent to through Citibank and it cost 100bt to get a letter stating international)
yes. These moneys need to be in a Thai bank account. This is what works for me (so far). The first 6 years I maintained the 800 cash in deposit. I wanted to change to method to monthly income. I opened a special “direct deposit” account with Bangkok Bank and arranged for my US social security payments to be deposited into that account. The Direct deposit account has some restrictions like, no internet access and you have to go to the bank branch is which it was opened to withdraw or transfer to another account I call monthly expense account. Each month I go to the bank and ask them to print a “deposit detail” report (on original letterhead paper) that states the origin of the transfer ie international via social security. Interesting to note that SS transfers the money through the bkkbk New York Office. Before I renew my extension of stay next time I will go to the bank and get a letter listing the deposits for the past 12 months. Albeit overkill, I will have 3 methods of proof. Given the “direct deposit” account is only used for transfers in and out, I will copy the bank book pages, I will have the individual deposit detail reports and the letter from the bank. I am not aware of other sources that can use this account to send moneys to you. You can ask the bank. I choose to keep it simple. So if it was me in your place, I would open a savings account and transfer in the 800k. You can try TransferWise and there is a good possibility it will show as an international transfer ( if you use bkkbk, there may be others) I would also open the “direct deposit” account and instruct SS to begin direct deposits. Take the details of these 2 accounts with you for your next extension. Note. You need to be clear with them that you want to establish the monthly deposits (+bank balance, a 3rd option) as your method income proof. Otherwise they will just take the 800k as your method and your stuck with thoughts rules for another year.
Keep in mind you are not “renewing” your visa. You are applying for an “extension of stay.”
If the timing works out you can do both 90 day and extension on the same day. Whereas the 90 day report can be done 2 week before it is due and 1 week after. I have always done this in 2 separate processes. 2 different counter location. 2 different ques. I can not concur that the extension folks will also give you your 90 day receipt. Good luck.