I understand it’s important to keep liquid cash as opposed to stocks/crypto etc, but what I meant was is it typical for expats on DTV to constantly maintain that 500k baht balance at all times? Or, if they dip into that fund to then build it back up to 500k baht?
okay that's fair, thank you. I’m finishing up a portfolio program at the moment so I’ll need to save the money back up anyways in the meanwhile. I’ll take the time to review the requirements carefully and get all my ducks in a row before then, hopefully by the end of this year.
yeah I was thinking in 5 years’ time. Sorry, I wasn’t being clear earlier. I’m also not super familiar with how Thailand’s immigration system works with entry stamp runs. I think you just leave across the border and come back and they give you a new stamp, that’s literally just it.
thank you for the detailed response! What I don’t get, though, is why would they expect you to have 500k baht in your bank account at all times and never touch it? I thought it was just to serve as proof you can support yourself as you get set up initially?
Also, by renewal I was thinking more like you get to the end of your 5 years and decide to get a new DTV visa. Is this not renewing your visa? Like here in China, I renew my work visa each year as I renew my contract at the same company. I guess if you want to be real technical about it I’d be applying to extend the work visa by another year.
Anyways, choice 2 seems really cumbersome. Choice 1 they don’t need to check your bank account again, right? Do people on the DTV never tap into this 500k baht reserve, or do they just make sure they have 500k in baht ready by the end of the 5 years in Thailand?
E: also for the 180 day entry stamp run, do people in Chiang Mai just fly over to Laos and back to get it done? Not sure where the popular route is.