We are in the process of selling in Australia and have four weeks left. People are low balling the low price so then we find people we like and give it away.
According to my husband, we are in the top percentile of highly taxed nations. People just look at income tax. That's high enough. We pay capital gains if we have one house and sell it before owning it for 2 years. Not an investment house. A home. Then there's GST which comes on top of massive import taxes 'cos we sold out and now have to import food. That is why we will be in Thailand in 5 weeks to retire. They're talking about inheritance tax AND a death tax. Not the country I grew up in. I lived in London for 23 years until 2015 and it was still cheaper, barring rent. Now rentals in Australian cities (at the arse end of the world) are on par with cities that offer far more. But there's no housing for people so it's a moot point.