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Are there cultures where leaving the door open in a cat cafe is acceptable?

Jan 1, 2025
2 months ago
Jack ****************
I am intermittently mediocre with empathy. I just got all fired up with the behavior of a tourist and my wife suggested i was maybe a culture thing.

So, are there any cultures where leaving the door to an air conditioned cat cafe open is a reasonable thing to do? I am pretty sure this is a universally shit behavior?

Edit: I love the replies. People don't need to agree with me- I posted to broaden my view. But I love the people who can't or won't actually read or who want to troll showing their dumb faces so they can be blocked. About 6 more knuckleheads I'll never hear from again! :)

EDIT 2: omg probably 20 blocked now! Let's go chums, somebody else make a comment about my wife/sex/value as a human! My block button is all warmed up and deleting you now means I don't need to do it later!
all likes
TLDR : Answer Summary
The post discusses the frustration of a user regarding a tourist leaving the door to a cat cafe open, which raised concerns about air conditioning efficiency and the potential for cats to escape. The conversation sparked various opinions on whether this behavior is culturally acceptable in different regions and reflected broader themes about empathy and social norms. Many responses emphasize the need for awareness of one's actions in shared spaces, while others question the validity of overly stressing about such situations.
Attikus ******
Then why did you even make this post if you can’t handle peoples comments..? 🙄

I bet your one o those easily offended /hurt people who would prefer everyone to be censored and have no freedom of speech….unless of course, it violates your rights, right?!

(This is just another guy hiding and screaming behind a screen, because he has no life) 😅😂🤣
Jack ****************
@Attikus *****
nice try dipshit. Big difference between "hey man, calm down maybe the guy was in a hurry" and "I guess your wife doesn't like sex". One comment is someone who sees the world differently than I do and one is an alcoholic who pays barfines in Pattaya. We all know which one you are. Go away, nobody likes you.
Dennis *********
Maybe this is just the behavior of people that visit cat cafe… seems like a very cat thing to do…
Jack ****************
@Dennis ********
that is a pretty good line. Or if he just stood in front of the door and knocked until someone opened it for him. :)
Nickel *******
How is this Visa related?
Jack ****************
@Nickel ******
it is "everything else" related. What is the name of the group?
David **********
Not cultural just a thoughtless person.
Robin *******
Just ignorant thoughtless people no need to get fired up , why ruin your day.
Jack ****************
@Robin ******
didn't ruin my day, irritated me for 10 minutes and then I tried to ask a pretty simple question and spent the day blocking dipshits.

It's funny because almost all of the gross comments come from explaining what lead to my asking- but if I just asked the question I'd get just as many stupid replies because people don't operate well without context. The internet is a cesspit, but my corner is about 20 knuckleheads cleaner now.
Robin *******
@Jack ***************
that’s a good thing. Enjoy your day
Kylie *******
Just get up an close it if it bothers you
Jack ****************
@Kylie ******
I literally don't even know what that means.
Kylie *******
@Jack ***************
close the door if it bothered you why is it a big deal that some cultures would leave a door open it took you longer to moan about it then close it
Jack ****************
@Kylie ******
I did close it. Twice. But now I'm curious about the world and if there is such a culture. I don't know why I typed that... You are going on the list.
Sonia *********
A cat cafe, so it means there are cats inside that people can pet and maybe adopt while enjoying a coffee and snacks?

the AC is one thing, but leaving the door open means the cats could escape to the street and that would be the biggest issue! Yes, pretty bad behavior!
Bo ******
Why did the administrator allow this post? It “leaves open the door” for other types of non-visa posts.
Jack ****************
@Bo *****
maybe because the group name is "and everything else". If you try to sound out the words and think about each one it might help you to better follow what is happening online.
Joseph ****
@Jack ***************
At least he made a somewhat clever turn of your phrase. The other d-bags showing up just can't wait to attack you for daring to voice your opinion. And locals do the same crap with the doors in Vietnam. I don't get it. They complain about rising electric bills like anyone else, but have no compunctions about air-conditioning the outdoors.
Oliver ********
Yes, there are billions of people in the world who aren't familiar with how air-con works, including those who haven't spent much of their lives in hot climates, who wouldn't see the issue here.
Jack ****************
@Oliver *******
so, maybe you are on to something. Are you saying there are billions of people in the world who exist in cultures where it isn't expected that they would close a door that they opened? The aircon and cat cafe are just for imagery.
Oliver ********
@Jack ***************
I'm not sure about billions for that, as it's more difficult to estimate than the population by climate, but I'm sure (based on my previous business experience) that there are many people who don't think it's important that doors are kept closed and/or assume that doors that need to be closed will close automatically
Jack ****************
@Oliver *******
well I would be curious for an example of a specific group that thinks it's reasonable. Regardless of utility usage, insects, zombies, whatever. But maybe you are right. I hope the person from Scotland writes back for clarity. Anyway, thanks for the civil commentary.
Oliver ********
@Jack ***************
I experienced this with Thai and other SEA service staff - it took me a while to get used to it
Jack ****************
@Oliver *******
hmmm well I'm in Thailand and I know they are places that leave the door open. I'm talking about people walking up to a building (or out of) and the door is closed, they open it, and then do not close it. I am not suggesting the world should have only closed doors.
Oliver ********
@Jack ***************
yes, similar experience - I had some doors that really needed to stay closed but many staff just couldn't get into the habit of closing the doors after opening them to pass through
Paul *****************
Take a chill pill. It’s New Year’s Day which is a time for reflection and change yet you’re fretting like a big girl over the door to a cat cafe. Is this a joke?
Jack ****************
@Paul ****************
Take a chill pill. It's New Year's Day which is a time for reflection and yet you are trying to be a dick without actually reading the post and contributing to the actual question? Mirrors are a bitch.
Paul *****************
@Jack ***************
reread it and still stand by what I’ve said. If you’re getting fired up over a ‘cat cafe’ there really is little help for you.
Bent *************
There should of course be automaticly closing doors in all rooms with air con!
Brandon **********
Which cafe?
Jack ****************
@Brandon *********
Cat and Cup or something? Right by the night market.
Ellen *************
It’s a cat cafe- leaving the door open is a dick move. You would think people interested in going to a cat cafe would give a damn about cats!? 🤦🏻‍♀️
Ellen *************
You are not wrong and a big hell yeah to your edit 👍🏼 the same type of self centered people are in this group
Brad *********
So you’re pissed off because someone left a door open?
Jack ****************
@Brad ********
nope. Not what the post says. Good use of the gif though.
David *********
The only thing I can think of is the song. Don't worry be happy
Jack ****************
@David ********
while I am pleased that you put that song in my head, I'd still like an answer to the actual question.
Alastair *******
Just close the door and forget about. Not worth getting all stressed and wound up by a small thing like this. One thing i learnt from experience: it takes a lifetime to be wise.
Jack ****************
@Alastair ******
I suspect in my case it will take even longer.

I wrote a longish thoughtful reply to a similar comment if you are interested in discussion maybe see it. I AGREE, but I worry about not fighting for general "good person ness" and it leading to further decline of the world. I know this sounds silly, but I wish duelling was still a thing. I am not willing to ruin my life over it- but I think the world would be in a much better place of imminent consequences followed anti social behaviors... Be it littering, double parking, or leaving doors open that you found closed.
Paul *********
Jack needs to get laid and learn to chill
Jack ****************
@Paul ********
so sad for you.
James **********
So you got a visa?
Jack ****************
Frankie *****
Just close the door for whoever and move on .. there are greater, serious and more intense issues to channel your energies to
Jack ****************
@Frankie ****
like for example: the actual question I asked? Are you suffering from a comprehension or an attention span issue?
Von ******
You lost me at CAT 🐈 cafe!!!

You are douchey and whiney for even raising it on a public post! Keep that shizzle for your family and FB friends.
Jack ****************
@Von *****
well, if you actually read the post and understood the question you might think differently, but I suspect you are a person who leaves doors open so... Bye
Pabs ********
I wish I had as many problems as you in my life.

Oh, I probably have more.

If it's such an issue, be the better person and close the door.

Your reward is....

Not stressing about small things and you can go on with your day knowing that you've kept other's cool.

To reconfirm this to yourself, you can sing this song 4 times a day


It must have been cold there in my shadow

To never have sunlight on your face

You were content to let me shine, that's your way

You always walked a step behind

So I was the one with all the glory

While you were the one with all the strength

A beautiful face without a name for so long

A beautiful smile to hide the pain

Did you ever know that you're my hero

And everything I would like to be?

I can fly higher than an eagle

For you are the wind beneath my wings

It might have appeared to go unnoticed

But I've got it all here in my heart

I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it

I would be nothing without you

Did you ever know that you're my hero?

You're everything I wish I could be

I could fly higher than an eagle

For you are the wind beneath my wings

Did I ever tell you you're my hero?

You're everything, everything I wish I could be

Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle

For you are the wind beneath my wings

'Cause you are the wind beneath my wings

Oh, the wind beneath my wings

You, you, you, you are the wind beneath my wings

Fly, fly, fly away, you let me fly so high

Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings

Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings

Fly, fly, fly high against the sky

So high I almost touch the sky

Thank you, thank you

Thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings
Jack ****************
@Pabs *******
I mean, that was all kind of funny. But it seems to me that the level of shittiness we see everyday is made worse by, and maybe even caused by, people looking the other way like this.

It is absolutely true on major issues.
Wayne *****
Maybe the knuckleheads are the lucky ones.
Tohksic ******
"Cat cafe" - Thermae?
Jack ****************
@Tohksic *****
I'm sure they have those here, but this was a family trip.
Hoffman ******
I think you need to see a monk and get rid of your anger issues
Jack ****************
@Hoffman *****
maybe. But that won't answer the question about cultural attitudes toward doors.
Hoffman ******
@Jack ***************
some times the door has a higher iq
Jack ****************
@Hoffman *****
the difference between slightly drunk Brad and solidly drunk Brad is disappointing.
Harris **********
Maybe just maybe someone was hopeing that some soi dog's would get inside and party 🥳 🎉 😅🤣😂
Jack ****************
@Harris *********
see people? Here is a post that isn't helpful- but is funny and enriches everybody.

And you could be right. The place turned out to be awful and I keep wondering if he did it as a petty rebellion- which makes it a different sort of story.
Wayne *****
Gees man, you have an anger issue if that upsets you. Chill bro, chill before somebody makes you chill.
Jack ****************
@Wayne ****
I didn't realize "internet tough guy" was still a thing. I'm so sad for you.
Tom ********
Seriously .... you're getting stressed over a Cat cafe , get a life!
Jack ****************
Justine *********
Leaving any door open when there are animals around is definitely universally shit behaviour. It reeks of being self absorbed and not thinking of others.
Floyd **********
The thing to remember here Jack is that if somebody does something that pushes your buttons then you must realize that they are “your” buttons. They belong to you. Own it and realize that all you have to do is get rid of “your”buttons. Get up and close the door and be happy, live longer.
Jack ****************
@Floyd *********
again, it's not about my buttons- I'm old and enjoy my buttons. I'm asking a real question about if there is a culture where leaving a door you found in the closed position in the open position is normal and not rude. Doesn't matter how I felt or what the shop was- that is just there to explain why I am asking
Floyd **********
@Jack ***************
your post said you got all fired up 🤷‍♂️ and I was offering some sage advice to live healthier and longer.
Jack ****************
@Floyd *********
I guess I'd rather be an unhappy coyote than a sheep.

But, to my point, do you think there is a culture where leaving a closed door (that is not yours) open is not rude?
Paul ********
Nono thais do it..check out findig shoe store all the time doors wide open.
Alan ********
Makes Ukraine and Gaza look insignificant!
Paul ********
Ricky ********
Cats have cafès ??
Biff ******
How is this visa related? Just close the door and relax🙃
Darren *******
Calm down, Billy
Jeffrey **********
You can’t fix people. Just close the door. Even better if you can do it without posting on FB that you had to do it.
Jack ****************
@Jeffrey *********
so you go bored before you finished reading huh?
Jeffrey **********
@Jack ***************
I read the post…I replied. OP got the attention they wanted for the day.
Bob **********
Did your cat get hot with the door open ?id hate to see your actions if something that really matters happened
Jack ****************
@Bob *********
oh good, I've been waiting for an excuse to get rid of you.
Thomas *******
@Bob *********
He was in a cat cafe that pays for a/c. Open door, cats run out not to mention the a/c is on. He wasn't ranting about some friend leaving his house. He was showing respect to the business. How was that hard to understand?
Daniel **********
Dy yen yen
Jimmy ********
That’s fair but did you say something to the guy or just vent here? If you didn’t voice your concern you are probably displaying worse behaviour than he is.
Jack ****************
@Jimmy *******
I'm not sure that is true, especially since my opinion here is only for context and I am asking a specific question.

I say I am not sure because I was vocal enough to cause people to be uncomfortable which is a shame point. Confronting someone is only valuable if you can achieve a positive result.
Jason ******
Listen to your long differing wife 😂 and give her more attention rather than your phone 😜
Justin *********
Did a human leave the door open or a cat? Or a cat disguised as a human?
Jack ****************
@Justin ********
I think a cat in the guise of a human would have too much dignity to wear a fedora and Tevas. :)
Justin *********
Paul ********
@Justin ********
def cat disguised !
Kool *******
Mai phen rai.
Martin ********
It certainly not a danish cultural thing - perhaps because almost no cafes have AC🤪
Erick ********
There’s a new book out. I am reading it and it applies. Let Them by M Robbins. I have no control

On others behavior but I can choose my response. In this case - just get up n close the door. No stress.
Jack ****************
@Erick *******
I am of two minds in this. If most people don't care, then this is the path to peace. But if most people cared, the world would be a better place. So the question is: do we have the wherewithal to fight to make people care and improve the world? Or let it run to shit for the sake of our Zen? I don't mean that as judgy as it probably sounded. I literally lose sleep over this question.
Erick ********
@Jack ***************
I like your spirit brother. In terms of your remarks: It’s not one or the other. At least for me - as I give up trying to control things outside my “lane” I experience more and more peace AND issues seem to get resolved or at least I’m no longer triggered by them. And in terms of your initial

Post - it’s awesome you care. That’s a great gift for us but if you are stressing over it - just quiet your mind for a while. The next step will come
Thomas *******
@Erick *******
Therein lies the problem for him and many of us, quieting our minds is no easy feat.
Jack ****************
Jack ****************
@Erick *******
you are a guru. Part of it is probably that I just got home (I live here) from a work trip. My town was still fairly quiet when I left and instead of returning to my sanctuary it is high season and chaos. So edgier. But really I wasn't ready to clobber the guy or anything. Just grossed out.

Anyway, thank you for the zen.
Erick ********
@Jack ***************
I hope to meet you one day. When you visit Bkk please let me know.
Lawrence *******
@Erick *******
Very sound advice.
Jiji ***********
It is indeed not good, but neither is getting angry & confrontational.

I'd hope the cat cafe had an automatic closing mechanism installed on the door in question.

You cannot rely on every single one of the masses of people coming in and out of a cafe throughout a working day to always remember to pull the door shut behind them.

Its an extremely vulnerable system indeed if all it takes to cause a major problem is for one person out of the hundreds if not thousands of visitors to be in a hurry/absent-minded/texting while walking/having a bad day, and thus not pull the door completely shut.
Jack ****************
@Jiji **********
no automatic doors, but they do have an informal airlock system with the cats behind another door. Cats often get out of the first door.

But regardless of that specific risk vector if you are an adult and a door to a business or house is closed and you open it to go inside- you should shut the door behind you. And the "distracted walker" excuse might give you a free pass- but not two.

This post was a genuine test because what do I know- maybe people in Greece (wherever) leave doors open for luck or some shit. Pretty sure the guy was just garbage
Dean *****
William *********
I have a friend who runs his air conditioner with all the doors and windows open. It's not a cultural thing. He just doesn't care, apparently.
Paul *********************
Don ********
@William ********
He must be rich!
Ken **********
@William ********
Maybe a fool ?
William *********
@Ken *********
no, but maybe the wife and kids are, and he just gave up 😀
Jack ****************
@William ********
I mean hell, I drive with windows down and aircon on. It is delightful. But it's my car...
Denise **********
After living in Thailand, I can now see where you are coming from. But, honestly I would have been that tourist. I come from Scotland where aircon is practically non existent and I didn't realise air con works better when doors are kept shut. I'm not a stupid person but due to not experiencing air con I was ignorant to how it worked. So maybe just consider it was not done from thoughlessness but from totally innocent ignorance.
Paul *********************
@Denise *********
well, if it was -10° in Scotland and you were in a bar/cafe, nice and warm. How would you feel if someone left the door open?
Denise **********
@Paul ********************
I totally understand this. Of course I would shut the door.
Jack ****************
@Denise *********
but even if we ignore the aircon... Is it not pretty standard to return a door to whatever state the owner left it in? Like flies or... Zombies....
Denise **********
@Jack ***************
I lived in a house for many years with an open door policy so I have to admit to not being a door shutter. 😂 It's a habit more than bad manners in my case.
Jack ****************
@Denise *********
I have no problem with open doors. I do think coming through and open door and closing it is slightly less bad, but also a weird move. I get people can be creatures of habit and this isn't a hanging offense. But I wanted to humor my wife and be open to "maybe in Croatia closed doors in the daytime are considered bad luck so nobody closes doors except at night" or some shit- maybe the guy thought he was spreading goodness. I doubt it, no replies have indicated such... But I'm still loosely open to the idea.
Michael ******
@Jack ***************
You'll wind up putting this on your tombstone if you don't let it go. Curious tho'...did you get up and close the door for which you deserve an attaboy.
Jack ****************
@Michael *****
I don't deserve much of one. I was standing within arm's reach. And I wasn't any more irate at the first instance than I was by the cafe in general (no, I am not a cat cafe person but life is full of disappointments) it was when he walked back out and did it again that I was appalled.

Also, I was only irritated for a few minutes and then just sort of bemused. People seem to think the point of the post is the actual point. I just provided narrative structure. The point was, and remains, is there a culture where this would not be a dick move. I suspect not. Not that I think it is a huge transgression- but it is *a* transgression. Much worse are the people who read poorly (or don't care) and post these wild hate filled replies. These tragic fucks go around making the world worse every day- maybe the jackass with the door was just distracted. So, I make sure every assclown commenter gets a piece and then I send them into the void where they can never bother me again. It's cathartic- like weeding. :)
William **************
Were you more worried about a cat getting out or warm air getting in?
Jack ****************
@William *************
worried about people spreading dipshittery mostly.
William **************
@Jack ***************
there should be a vaccine for that
Jack ****************
@William *************
for dipshittery of for worrying about it?
William **************
Jack ****************
@William *************
okay, we can be done here.
Nick ************
What is a cat cafe and why does it require air con?
Jiji ***********
@Nick ***********
A cat cafe is a cafe which has lots of cats, which are enclosed in the cafe & cannot leave. It typically sells snacks you can feed them while you drink your coffee.

I never go to such places, even though I love cats. The cats are often over-pampered, over-bred, and don't want to be there, only interested in visitors if they've got snacks.

Instead of cat cafes, I prefer a cafe which has a resident cat or two, who can come and go as they please, who enjoys being around humans & just likes the attention/scritchies.
Jack ****************
@Nick ***********
it's a ridiculous business that I only visit because I am raising a bunch of kids and a bunch of them are girls and they are goofy for cats. If it is not on your radar- you are probably better off.
Nick ************
@Jack ***************
thanks for the heads up. I will be sure to give it a wide birth.
Mark ********
@Nick ***********
ever smelt a cat fart?
Patrick ********
Patrick ********
Happy New Year grumpy 🤣
Jack ****************
@Patrick *******
thank you for outing yourself
Sarah **********
The courage it takes to speak is more powerful than complacency. I would definitely say something to anyone who displays such lack of awareness.
Sarah **********
Mind you, my giving a F**** about comfortable politeness to some people ran out a few years back.
Paul *********************
@Sarah *********
a few decades ago
So, you got hot and bothered at a cat cafe….Ok, not sure if this is the group for those types of issues
Jack ****************
@ ***
kind of missed the point. Not a big reading comprehension guy huh?
Jeff ********
Cat cafe?

Craig *******
@Jeff *******
Beaver Bar
Jack ****************
@Jeff *******
they are the worst! Third only to people who are impolite in public and raising a bunch of teenage girls (which leads one to visit cat cafes)
Ken **********
@Jeff *******
cat Cafe ???????????????????????????
Mark ********
@Ken *********
yeah you know, where they shove a skewer up its arse and put it on the barbecue
Kenneth ********
Disrespectful you’re not the police just close the door
Jack ****************
@Kenneth *******
once is fine, multiple times is an indicator
Jay *******
I mean it’s not recommended to leave door open but getting all huffy puffy about it to a point you got confrontational isn’t normal either. Maybe you had a bad morning
Thomas *******
@Jay ******
Why is it that he had a bad morning when someone else is the one that showed a lack of consideration for his surroundings? I didn't read that he got confrontational about it, only that it was irritating this person's lack of manners.
Jeff ********
@Thomas ******
, He just said he was and wants people to follow rules so he doesn't get crankier.. haha
Jack ****************
@Jeff *******
not rules. Rules are for the lowest common denominator. You make rules for people who will act poorly if you don't police them. Frankly I think they should just be fed to the hogs. We don't need rules, we need people who think and care.

But what I actually said was "are there cultures where you don't close doors that you found closed". You sir need to get better at reading.
Jack ****************
@Jay ******
oh the whole thing was shite. But that is kind of the point of politeness right? People are having bad days all over. Some of them are close to snapping. So we please and thank you and wipe our feet and throw things in the trash and close doors behind us. Otherwise we are the problem.
Joy *********
Disrespectful 😠
Kǎisǎ **********
Really, you probably should get a life.
David ********
@Kǎisǎ *********
he has a life. He has a better way of life and shows some respect to the people around him.
Jack ****************
@Kǎisǎ *********
thank you for coming out of the shadows.
Jason *******
Douchey behavior, but certainly no reason to get upset or bothered by it in any way at all.
Ken **********
Ken **********
Jack ****************
@Jason ******
it was multiple times. And the salient point is not my irritation but "are there countries where is is not douchy"?
Jason *******
@Jack ***************
that is such a bizarre question that you have to already know the answer to.
Jack ****************
@Jason ******
90% but my wife was moderately compelling and so I thought I would ask. Already one person from Scotland suggested it might not be weird- I asked some clarifying questions.

I generally think being willing to doubt what you think enough to look for more data is a healthy thing.
Jins ********
@Jason ******
@Jason *****
i think he saw us as one among us and to get a self reflection hence posted with ultra frankness of his feelings
Jack ****************
@Jins *******
are you drunk?
Jason ******
@Jason ******
correct and then to nerd to write it on FB also seems a bit too much
Jack ****************
@Jason *****
or, I actually asked a meaningful question at the end and you are a bad reader.
Kevin **********
@Jack ***************
Just because you put a ? at the end of a statement doesn't make it a question.
Jason *******
@Jason *****
I think I'd rather be the douche that leaves the door open than the nerd that post about it on Facebook..
Mark *********
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