Sorry guys, but if this is your Sunday morning fun, I can assure you it is not mine.
First you post a question can i enter without any hassle into Thailand. Than you directly say: You are not allowed to answer it is up to the Immigration Office, your are not allowed to answer if you do not have the same experience as me, you are not allowed to answer if you are an old grumpy person and the list went on.
I, as an old grumpy person answered with a sincere sorry, but it really is the decision of the Immigration Officer and I know I will hurt your feelings but even a long list of nice people, members on this page is not going to help to change the decision made by that officer.
And did I hurt somebody's feelings YES, the post got deleted but the PM is still there:
I am not entirely sure whether you misread my post due to a potential translation problem or whether you’re just that much of a bitter asshole. I was asking a genuine question prior to booking a holiday to LOS before leaving my LEGAL position here in Cambodia. It’s people like you that don’t help. FYI I’ve decided to avoid LOS and book a flight home via KL but thanks for your pathetic input. I don’t know why you’re so bitter and nasty but I will visit a temple on your behalf and pray not for you but for anyone who has to deal with you on a daily basis.
And I get blocked before I even could answer.