o could take your opinion on. However I take.my car toa mechanic rather than doing the work myself out of ease and a wish to let someone else do the job while I sit on a beach. If it costs me money... well so what. No such thing as a free lunch and means I can enjoy my retirement. You have issues with that... so be it. But enjoy the time we have.
My typos aside... I actually can tell you about 3 people who wound up in the local lock up by an IMO here after they were asked to pay extra for a 90-day and extra for an Extension of Sta y. They were released when the TP showed up after I got a call as the US Liaison here and requested it. We know that here in the Kingdom rules are rules... that is when anyone wants to pay attention to them, or the situation is so terrible that the usual 'Rule Blindness' is out of the question. With reference to being "cowedly".... well... if you want to put your head into the lion's mouth and perhaps suffer from it go ahead. But as we foreigners have no real Rights here... why stand on one's soap box and shout to a crowd that is not listening? With regards to "offering a bribe..." wouldn't do it personally. But if approached by an officer telling me that for some Tea Money to make whatever go away.... well... I might think about it. Oh hell, have you been pulled over for speeding lately? Pay the officer
bht or go to the office and pay 500 or more. Is that a bribe? Sure, it is because it will never be recorded. Or how about dropping a cigarette butt on the sidewalk (along with the rest of the trash) and being knabbed for 1000bht ... is that a bribe or is it a fine that will never be recorded? Personally, I would always ask for a receipt. For by doing so you might find that the request goes away or at the very least you can hold the powers-to-be to a higher standard than they are used to. After all the two-price system here is an example of corruption. But I do not find ALL corruption to be a terrible thing. For it's a system that has been ingrained within societies for centuries. Fighting against it is a noble cause. But you will need people and court systems willing to listen and that do not have their own hands in the cookie jar. I don't bribe. I don't simply accept the request for one. But then again after 15 years here I can see that request coming a mile off and so know how to avoid entering its trap.
You deal with what you have to in order to maintain your life, its peace, its safety, and its very being. If that means playing the game doing, then that is what one will have to do. You may not like it. You may find fault in it. You might even want to fight it. However, do the latter or make a good deal of noise about the former ones and you will find yourself in a lockup and scribbling for the money to get that ordered flight home. So, if being part of the problem by having to comply as you stated is an anathema for you to deal with... then the entire SEA area is not for you. Actually, there are parts of Africa, Eastern Europe, and parts of New Jersey that you might find difficult.
All of this for 500bht? Hell, it could have been more. You had nothing else to complain about? We are in Thailand and there is so much more we can point out that is questionable and downright corrupt, unfair, or slanted. But this is NOT our country, and we have no Rights here... so, what is the big deal with 500? Is it the principle of the thing? Really!? Let see if these two things have ever really worked together.... Thai Immigration and Principles. Frankly, they have nothing in common and the former has no idea what the latter even is. As for us foreigners, it's their rules and it's our requirement to follow them or... leave. Putting up a 'fight' regarding what we deem is right or wrong, or simply standing on what we believe are principles (based upon our way of looking at things and or our cultural, educational background) is not only pointless but shows a definite amount of entitlement. Though that might be a truth and might even be able to hold water, what service does it supply? What foundation is it working on and/or improving? How is it beneficial to solving anything? Just enjoy your time here and quietly laugh to yourself.
oh come on. It all depends upon what bank... time of day... who you talk to. BKK Bank and K bank fine with a simple Non o. So valid work permit simple. Have many that have done with passport visa stamp in it. Might be just a savings account.
WAIT for your new passport! It is the airlines that will give you the biggest problem. Also there are countries that will insist on at least 6 months on a passport. Though some same Thailand will allow you in.... it will depend upon the Immigration officer you deal with! They have their own discretion that can come into play. DON'T risk it!
Correct! Great use of the word "Hobby". As long as you are not overtly 'working'.... or making noise about it or pissing anyone off.... have fun enjoy the fruits of the "hobby".