Or just take a Christmas holiday trip for a week or so to Singapore which is fun over the holidays and then re enter and depending on what country on an exempt for 30 days renewable.
well that is true.... if they are following the rules and not applying their own discretion. To say cannot in Thailand especially is dependent upon many factors. However... you are right on general and i certainly would not advise taking the chance. Going through an agent given that many embassies and consulates do not offer an income affidavit any longer.
Yes you can. Depending upon your home country you may not be able to get a "letter" asking Thai Immigration to transfer the visa from the old to the new. But that should not be a problem. Renewing a US Passport from overseas takes about 6 weeks. Plan on that length of time.... though it might be qicker.
these days a new US Passport applies for outside the US will take 6 weeks. There is no expedited service outside US and simple to do online. Payment can be done via Paygov.com and a bank draft of 100 Thai Baht... if here in the Kingdom... for return of new book.
One is supposed to have 20,000 Thai Baht when entering. But this is an old rule and very rarely ... IF EVER... asked for by Immigration and Passport Control. Just dress properly and do NOT look like you are a typical backpacker (shorts and T shrt that have have seen better days if you get what I mean). Appeearence is key) and smile a lot and be polite!
ATMs work perfectly here ... use ones at actual bank branches always a better and safer. Make sure you do not request conversion and when using in a major store always ask to pay in Thai Baht (better rate).