I will add to my Post, she also needs to demonstrate SELF ACCUMULATED 😊 not put in as one LUMP SUM) capacity to Support Herself with minimum $1000 CAD per month for 6 months = $6000 CAD as well as have Medical Insurance meeting the TRV requirements. There is another option utilized by Ship Captains which put a BOND of $25,000 CAD for each boat staff to go into Canadian port during Ship maintenance, but that takes some Legal Documents with certified Criminal Record check as well as a few more legal Forms not shown on the TRV application website, but we have previously had success with this sort of TRV application in the past.
Yah I hear you 10-4 on that... Life changes on a dime over here, so I truly did not see this coming, but trying to make the best of it. What are the differences if any on Renewing versus Reapplying? Also, with all the talks on making Health Insurance mandatory for Retirees, this assuming nothing changes from now until then, is there any Health Insurance or any other requirements as it stands today, for New Retirement Visa Applicants?
Assuming you are a Canadian Citizen, which might have an influence depending on a few details I will discuss down below.
Normally a TRV = Temporary Resident Visa, which is the Only option for a Tourist wanting to enter Canada in your case, is normally automatically granted a 6-month stay. Having said this, on special occasions, a Border Patrol Officer can Limit your stay with a Visitor Record where the Officer will Stamp her Passport with a Date when your Gf must Exit the country, but thankfully that rarely happens.
FIRST, every Applicant gets Evaluated and Approved on their own Merits, so the first things Immigration Officers look at are for your Gf to show:
#1- Ties to her country like a Property, a House, Land or a Business
#2- A good long-term job ( = more than 2 years) with above average paying job ( Minimum 35,000 Bahts per month and up)
#3- Travel history to Developed countries similar to Canadian Standard 😊 G20 countries )
#4 – If she travelled, did she respect the Visa obligations and was Not late to Exit the country
THEN, if you have a Common Law relationship of more than 2 years with a Property, a House, Land or a Business TOGETHER, Life Insurance with your GF as Beneficiary and vice versa as well as a Joint bank Account, then the Immigration Officer while taking this into consideration as a Joint Application which would help your Gf application a bit.
Keep in mind the Main focus of an Immigration Officer is to evaluate the Risk of an applicant staying in the country Illegally after the Tourist Visa expires which happens a Lot, so with the above-mentioned information, the main focus is to evaluate the risks of that happening.
Hope this helps and feel free to visit the Visa Canada website for more info.
Since you being wise in doing your homework way ahead... Just an FYI, there has been talk for years about this, but the new Gvt now in power has made it a priority to incorporate mandatory Insurance requirements in the next board meetings. Having said this, not official yet, but just good to keep an eye on the Thai news and regularly check the Royal Thai Gazette for the official list of changes that have been stamped and approved into law. Hope this helps and best of luck
As a retired banker, I always have all my docs in a row, but even with this meticulous attention, my last Immigration adventure was needless to say, less than perfect... On the upside, that might just be the Chapter that makes this one a best seller, so I will definitely be including my last Retirement Visa experience in the Autobiography...
Glad to hear that and looks like a really nice building... We'll have to go see what list they are actually using and how much original artist copyright fees I should be requesting if they are indeed using mine ;o)
Would love the see what this handout looks like... Might be the one I typed up in both languages for them, because they did not have any when I was there last, thus the reason I had to go back and forth a few times until we got it all organized and sorted out...
Appreciate all the replies... Just to add to this a bit. Last year I did all of the above mentioned, but in addition to the TM30 form, the Thai Yang office in Petchaburi province also added the TaBian Baan as a last minute requirement, which is the House Blue Book with owner's name on it, so they can cross reference. Having said this, I saw on other posts that a Rental Agreement was used successfully, so would a Lease Rental Agreement be sufficient to avoid having to present the TaBian Baan which was an obvious and highly questionable last-minute request at best?