Billy Brown actually this group is filled w/ know it all dicks that would never talk shit & disrespect me if they were standing in front of me,face to face & even in that slight chance, then i’d be happy to personally “ translate” the word pain & debilitation firsthand 👍🏼
we’ll living in SeAsia for yrs now, you would know better than to ask that… haha
i’ve learned NO-THING Is completely accurate to what they say, they being pretty much anyone from simplest worker to high official government… & certainly not their delegated “ task forces”
So, in end, i always have a back up/ contingency ( as i’ve been trained & easy to learn here) & even still have not worked out to plan
all speculation, only the PM & CSA will decide & announce but most theorize that if the “ numbers” continue to decrease & tourist entries continue to increase but def not to current projections,then perhaps as early as June1