Not quite sure I understand your question(s). But, first, what is your Nationality? Can you afford to deposit the 800K Baht at one time? If yes, then I would suggest Non-O rather than "O-A". And, can provide simple Do-It-Yourself Instructions to getting your Non-O and Retirement Extension, after arrival in Thailand.
Hmmm, if OP deposits 65,000/mo for 12 months = 780K. Just throw in another 20K, and that would= 800K in the Bank. That is, of course, if he left it all in the Bank, at least until he applies for initial Non-O and 1st Extension. Thereafter, no problems.
STEP-BY-STEP DO-IT-YOURSELF INSTRUCTIONS -- APPLYING FOR RETIREMENT STAY AFTER ARRIVAL IN THAILAND (Must be over age 50): i. You may arrive either Visa Exempt (currently 45-days), or on a 60-day Tourist Visa. ii. Then, immediately after your arrival, you must promptly open a Thai Bank Account, and transfer 800,000 Baht into Thai Bank Account (if married, some Immig. Offices like CM, accept Joint Account with 1.6 Mil. Baht. Also Note, that either Passbook Savings or Fixed Deposit is acceptable, but not Investment Account. Finally note, that some Immig. Offices, but not all - e.g. CM, require proof of foreign source of funds. WISE is an inexpensive, easy & reliable service to transfer funds). iii. Then, you apply for a 90-day Non-O Visa at local Thai Immigration Office. If on Visa Exempt, you use Form TM87, if on Tourist Visa TM86. You are required to apply with minimum 15-21 days remaining on permitted Stay, depending on Office (Chiang Mai, requires 21 days). Requirements: TM87 or TM86 (Note: Fear not, only 1-page Form simple to fill out in English with only basic info., name, address, passport info., arrival info, and stated purpose: "For Retirement"), Must be Over Age 50, 2000 Baht, Copy of all relevant pages of Passport (i.e. Facepage, and Entry Stamp); copy of TM30 (that is the required arrival form that is either completed by your Hotel or Condo, or you do yourself at Immig. Office w/i 24 hrs of arrival); copy of proof of residency (Rental Agreement, or Hotel Reservation -- some offices may not allow if only staying at a HOtel); and most importantly proof of the money in Bank (Copy of Bank Book, and a certified Letter from the Bank usually costing 100 Baht). Above is all simple and straightforward, so no need for spending money on a Visa Service. iv. If all docs. in order, Immig. Office will put a Sticker in your Passport that you are "under consideration", and a date to return to pick up your Visa Stamp (prior to your Stay expiration). v. Next, when you have 30 days remaining on the Non-O (and your Bank Money has "seeded" 60 days -- i.e. stayed on deposit), you go back to Immig. Office to apply for the 1-yr Retirement Extension. Requirements.: TM7 (Req. for Extension of Stay); 1900 Baht, and all other same docs. as above (newly updated of course). And, you will receive 1-yr Extension of Stay -- usually same day, if you arrive in morning. Note: For both processes above, your Bank Passbook Balance must be updated same date as application, and the Bank Letter should be no more than 7 days old -- easiest just to do both same day just before going to Immig. Office). vi. Finally, you should/must get a Re-Entry Stamp -- easiest/best to just do immediately after you get your 1-yr. Extension stamp. It can be single Re-Entry for 1000 Baht, or 3800 Baht for unlimited multiple Re-Entry. The Re-Entry Stamp allows you to leave and return to Thailand, without invalidating your 1-yr Extension. If you fail to do that, then your Extension of Stay is nullified, and you must start the process again. (IMPORTANT: If you want or need to leave Thailand while on the initial 90-Day Non-O, same thing -- must get Re-Entry Stamp.). Hope that is all clear.
Really? You can "openly bribe police" here? Been here 12 years, haven't seen that myself. Prostitution -- wow, I guess Thailand is the only place in the world with that. I'm still not sure what your point is? But, don't think I really want to know. Let's end our little discussion.
Again, SO WHAT. I was from Chicago, where Political Corruption and Graft have always been a part of life. But I didn't choose to be a part of that, and indeed, put my neck on the line and fought against it several times.
That was a real nonsensical reply. Even if I went to a Bar where they were allegedly paying "Protection Money", I neither know that nor am an active participant. On the other hand, if you know your "Agent" is using money to pay Bribe, then you are a participant and equally liable for the criminal conduct. Either way, AGAIN the point is, an Agent is not required no matter how you enter the country -- especially Visa Exempt. How deft can you be to require an Agent for that?
Hate to break this to you -- there is Corruption everywhere. So what? Maybe you think its ok to participate in it, not me! Either way, per above Posts, it is NOT necessary. You can get along just fine with No Agent, and No Bribe.