The processing time for the Thailand Pass varies among applicants, with reported durations ranging from as quick as minutes to as long as 48 hours. Many users reported they received their approvals within 1 to 16 hours, while the official guideline states it can take up to 48 hours. Factors such as the type of application and possible queue at the processing system can influence the time taken.
, I guess someone that comes up with these new rules can't do the math or want you to do the 5 days quarantine instead so they can make more money out of tourists?
so I've somehow got to figure out how to get 48 hours between getting the test results and departure time.
Reply to
Ian *********
1 hour
John ********
3 hours for me. 3 months ago..
Ian *********
I would only have 40 hours from getting results of pcr to flight, is this enough or risky. They make this difficult and stressful when you are working.
if in England, Randox do a self test home pre flight PCR kit. Posted to your home and you drop swab into one of their drop boxes. Rapid results. Certificate emailed to you. You would need to check if they have a drop box near you or your work.
you are not permitted to do self pcr tests to enter Thailand. It must be conducted in a clinic and say on certificate rtpcr.most countries will not allow self tests to enter.I have always wondered how they would know's the same to enter the eu.
believe me, you are allowed. Randox certificate is fully accepted. It does not say self administered on the certificate.
I've entered Thailand twice with a self administered test. Don't forget you were tested on arrival too, until about 1 month ago. So you'd be stupid to try and fake the pre flight test. It does say RT.PCR on the cert.
I've also used Randox home tests for during UK self isolation periods, when entering UK. Day 2, Day 5 & Day 8.
if it works then fair enough, they always keep saying it must be done in a clinic but like said no idea how they ever would know where you did it.
obviously it's not faking it doing it yourself as it's still got to be processed in a laboratory for a pcr though there is a small chance you could spoil the test doing it yourself.also I imagine no one is ever going to look at it, you only need it to upload onto thai pass so I'm guessing once you have the barcode that's fine.every time I've asked this question in other travel groups they always tell me they aren't permitted.