Well, I take your point but I intend for the future to use the 2-month tourist visas exempt with a 30-day extension which seems to be largely what Thailand's objective is. Singapore, Malaysia, Bali the Philippines and many other countries have similar requirements already. I am blessed with, choices now 179 days will be enough for me.
...Most people whatever their income is usually spend most of it, many people often spend it before they earn it with credit cards, etc. My Dad you say often there are 3 ways to spend money i.e. "paying before you get it, paying after you get it. It is best to spend it when you get it". When will they ever learn?
Thank you Colin but tax consultants in Thailand who are competent with Thai/Australian Tax matters are a bit like hen's teeth. Ask 5 different experts and you will likely get 5 different answers? Only time will sort these matters out.
Although as in the past, I like to think my options are not limited (but they are). I have had retirement visas in Thailand in the past and many tourist visas issued in Australia. I was in Thailand Hua Hin for 2 months in part of March, April and May (dreadful heat wave for weeks) and I will be back in 2 months now perhaps for 3 months. before the new requirements came in. That's my lot now I do own a house in W.A. Australia so regular
-month holidays on arrival is for me for now.
Quite frankly it costs me less to fly from W.A. to Hua Hin And live 3-star on my own for 2 months including the $450, airfare than it does to stay in Australia. I am blessed with quite good health and still do my 6km each day as I have each day for 47 years.
Perhaps not wrong but as things are it is all up in the air. Thailand seems to be doing too much too soon for their own good. Yes, it will all take time I think about 5 years to sort it all out.
But it does not say so in the Thai jargon. You really need to be a good bush lawyer at the right time and not be caught out. If all were like the Philippines, one month free on arrival, then up to 6-month visa by paying 1500 paso each month for up to
or 6 months and renew this way for 3 years leave the country and do a border run and start the process over again. KL Vietnam, Bali OK. You can live forever this way. Or you can put up about US $10,000 fill in a few forms and get permanent residency. if you like and stay forever. Get the same benefits as Filipinos.