Just do the application yourself, if you meet all the legal requirements, you don't need the agent.. if you DON'T meet the requirements then, good luck..
yeah, still don't see ANY, searched and searched.. not ignoring, just want to see why several immigration officers would lie to me, as we've asked several these questions and they say WORK, employment, taking money or accommodation in exhange is an issue , but not house chores.... if you can't prove it, just say so? No need to get b!tchy.
you're not volunteering to work on your own property....... or working for someone ELSE.. it's not an employee/employer scenario.... please show me actual events where mowing your own lawn got you arrested, deported, fined.. on official documents etc. Because i just asked our immigration captain and he nearly wet himself laughing say this is PROBABLY why so many women marrying farangs are unhapoy because farangs are lazy and don't want to work... lol.. he asked me to SHOW him where a farang got arrested for doing yard work, or helping his wife in and around the house, and i can't find ANY legitimate examples... people with arrest warrants out on them from either here on in home countries maybe. But an actual case of innocent helping your wife in and around the house, nada, zip, zilch, zero..
Real talk! To the you "can't lift a finger to help or do chores in and around your house or wash your car people" , please link the sources of these deportations, fines, arrests etc etc cases here so we can see them. Not a "i heard this one guy once" cases, ACTUAL links directly to news or immigration articles ACTUALLY doing these fines, deportations, warnings etc etc.. thank you! Amd NO, government websites showing restricted JOBS AND WORK isn't the same! Lol.