Yes it is since a few years. But anyway I wouldn't fly anywhere without my passport. You are required to have the passport always with you. Especially when you travel.
It is probably so. Reason is that there are only little Volvos on the roads. And I can imagine there are only original parts available. For all the standard models from Isuzu, Ford/Mazda, toyota, Mizubishi you get very good quality and cheap spare parts. Many made in Thailand but also made in Japan.
Hmm, so I am not the only one having problems opening an AC. I been at Kasicorn, I have there an account for almost 10 years. I got told there are new regulations and you need to hold a work permit or a business Visa. Any other foreigner is not getting a new account....
Well, I have luckily already one.
But this development, if that is going to be standard rules in Thailand, is concerning.