DTV: soft power; uploading documents -
Sorry to bother you - leave the day after tomorrow and only question I have is when it comes to showing where you stay in Thailand - I have my contact info of staying for a 6m contract (in total before applying 6m - came back in august) so I have the contract but no idea which section to upload too. can you let me know? Sent a screen shot below
Only issue I have. Everything else I think I have! ❤️❤️ I’m applying under the soft power visa in Hanoi, Vietnam!
Thanks everyone again for all the amazing support! I love that we help eachother and thanks so much for letting me know this asap!!
All the best to the rest of you and will update once I get it and exactly what I did based on what I was told! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻