Hi guys, maybe anyone planning to travel from UK to Thailand soon? 😌
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The conversation revolves around the challenges and regulations for traveling from the UK to Thailand amidst COVID-19. Many participants express confusion and frustration over the travel restrictions, discussing how the UK government has imposed limitations on international travel, allowing it only for essential reasons such as work. Others mention that individuals are still traveling under specific conditions, including completing official forms and facing quarantine upon arrival. Participants also draw parallels between the governance in the UK and a lack of personal freedoms, likening the situation to a 'prison.' Despite the ongoing restrictions and differing opinions, some individuals share their plans to travel or already have traveled, underlining the complexities and evolving nature of travel regulations between the two countries.
Just made the trip last month. Quarantine was awful!! Because of the new European strains of Covid your not permitted to leave the room for the entire 14 days quarantine!! It’s worthwhile once your through. Thailand is sooooo lovely ATM with minimal tourists it’s really pretty and everything is really cheap. Good luck!
I don't know, it's not actually bad if you can work or read books or learn something in a meantime. Last days got difficult but mostly it's actually not that bad.Definitely - too long! But what we can do 💁🏻♀️
There is going to be a mad scary rush once they open the borders up and that’s why I’m gonna wait and see how this plays out. Can they really eradicate this damn virus.
Thailand is open to the world but quarantine is in place for all. No country is stable not even Thailand. Covid is here to stay forever.
You can still catch covid and pass it on even with a vaccine... so apart from reduced symptoms the spread of covid will remain until there is herd immunity. New strains of covid will mean new vacccines will be needed and old ones wont work. It's a circle motion with no end in site.
It's very worrying the future ahead.
Thailand has not started vaccines in a big way yet so its going to be another 8 to 12 months till a lot of the country takes it but even if you let in people vaccinated (vaccines dont fully protect from passing and catching) what about the people who havent had the vaccine lock them up? Might as well lock up vaccinated people too. No logic at all. Covid is not about a virus at all its about so much more. You can learn a lot from doing your own research away from news and gvment sites. Use common sense and logic
I predict (and very rarely are my predictions wrong) whats happening now with travel and the economy will go on for a few more years maybe till
then after some sort of change but the world we know before 2020 will never never be the same thats for sure
Show me any proof anywhere in the world of someone who has had two injections and has now passed Covid on to someone else I have seen nothing support in this
I hear it directly from somebody I know very well at an airline at the airport, I never said it was going to happen it's just an option that is being put forward as an Idea, they need to do something, a lot of the staff are now the facing the option of redundancy or less than 50% pay
- have you walkes the streets recently? Every corner has homeless at night. Nobody is here. It has been like this the past 12 months. Do u think they care now? More people die in 1 day on the roads than they have done woth covid in Thailand.
I don't disagree with what you are saying but there is currently a consultation going off with Thai Government and airlines and travel company as to what is the way forward, it might not happen.
Better start calling your fellow citizens COMRADE.
Joseph *************
Depends when you are planning to go. You will have to quarantine for 2 weeks when you arrive there as well. So not really worth it, until you have had your vacation and there is quarantine.
worth it or not is not your thing to decide ;) I did my 2 weeks quarantine and worth it... everyone have different reasons to go to Thailand. Of course don't worth it for 2 weeks millionaires and sex tourists...
I was giving an opinion mate, I can't make a decision for someone and in my opinion people who pay to be put in state quarantine, have more money than sense. I'd rather save mine and be able to travel around and explore Thailand for longer but just my opinion. 2 weeks in a hotel makes no sense.
sorry to hear that mate. But right now is a terrible time and thats why we all need good advice. Gonna add you mate I hope to be back in November/December would be good if we could catch up
Same here. Not even my wife, could “force” me to spoil two weeks, locked in on a hotel room. Its the first time in 21 years, we haven’t been in Thailand for a year now. The worst thing is, that my wifes mother, died of cancer 3 months ago and we couldnt be there to the funeral. Im so sick and tired of that Corona shit, but I better save my money and wait, until they let people in again. 🇹🇭❤️🙏
The clowns claiming to run the show in U K refused to bar flightd into U K when the pandemic started , persisted in nonsense of self isolation for arrivals instead of adopting the sensible Thai practice of local hotels authorised for isolation and taken there on arrival in the country , latterly some enforcement of isolation near UK arrival point , but announced 48 hours or so in advance so people rushed here to avoid it .An island also seemingly without the will to enforce closed borders during a medical emergency by allowing illegals to come with French connivance .When i can return to Thailand will be on a one way ticket , which cannot be construed as a holiday .
Reiner *********
Stay where you are and save thailand and your. Money
Rosé ************
Thank you everyone!!
Rosé ************
😀😀 they should write that. Otherwise Would be too many people flying out.
David *******
Leave from Scotland, Wales or NI
Lynnette *******
There will be people flying out of UK to Thailand but need to complete a form to show at airport. I'm sure not everyone is going on a short stay leisure "holiday".
Oh prior to today. Wow. I guess that's why I didn't know. You guys should not allow your government to do this. If the Thai government is willing to let you in and has a safe way to do that...and they do. Your government has no right to do that to you. I'm sorry bro. Fight those socialist dicks and as an American, I am doing the same.
And yes ur right it's not Thailand it's England not the UK.. I can go to Scotland or Ireland ( different rules to England ) and fly out to Thailand but right now I dont see the point.
I will do it in 2022.
My dad is Scottish so I can travel to family and fly out from there.. but not interested right now.
Wow, I will have to tell the UK guys that just left quarantine 2 days ago for their holiday about that.
Reply to
Robert ********
Bill ********
Tony *******
Amy ***************
Yes, I'll be travelling on April 1st
Henry *********
The UK really have things screwed up! You can't travel to a country with virtually no Covid, yet kids can go to school and people can go to work on crowded public transport!
.some guys had a nice quarantine as they accept the rules, in one of the safest country in the world.
I live thailand and personaly.... I am scaring people come from europe.
I just tell what i think, and respect all others opinions 😉
Darren ******
It all depends on what u call a prison..
UK is a fuk up with too many snowflakes who buy into what ever the Gov. Tell them to do , policing is diabolical , arresting people , even dragging pensioners to the ground for going outside .. 400 nurses are refusing the jab ( tells u alot ) and prolonged furlough which will result in more lockdowns .. so u tell me , a prison or not.. that's before we even attempt to get on a flight.
The UK knows where more then 6 people are in a locked house but they cant catch 3500 illegals on boats crossing the channel in 2021 already.
Least we dont have stripped uniforms and badges we wear proudly to say were virus free.. oh wait ......
yeah one question. What are the regulations right now to leave the UK? From friends chatting here it would seem they couldn't leave unless they have work commitments.
you're not supposed to travel internationally without "good reason". Airport staff have been told only to ask if you completed the online form. They'll not offload you if you refuse ... unless the police request it during a spot check. I work in an airport and not seen a copper yet ... I've no doubt they'll have a sniff round later on.
I thought it was illegal before as well without any good reason. Crazy.
Bobby ********
Śaruté Rosé. Probably just been passed into law. So I'd say people travelling on tourist visa will not be allowed, but those on O, OA and B visa should be ok. That's just my guess