Warren Murray ...hijacked a post:
I am in the same situation. The way it has always worked is that you come in on a tourist visa.... wait for the paperwork from your employer to get the non b and then get a work permit.
I came in on the tourist visa to start this process and then the borders shut down and amnesty began... eventually making the tourist visa null and void with no option to leave and get the non B.
Now, with borders still closed, I have a job offer and proof of employment but cannot get the necessary visa.
If it was possible to get the visa in country... with proof of employment... that would make the most sense.
The intention here was never to remain of a tourist visa.... but the normal process was obstructed by border shutdowns and a lack of access to the process.
To be told to leave and get the relevant visa is pretty much a null and void argument as the costs are exorbitant and there is no guarantee that we would get back into the country.
I know I am stating the obvious here, but this situation is one that many teachers and people who have gainful employment offers find themselves in by no fault of their own.