When regularly visiting Thailand as a tourist I always thought that you're more likely to be turned down at an immigration office when applying for the 2 month visa than you are turning up for at the airport for an exempt stamp. Is my thinking correct or wrong?
My situation:
I've entered Thailand 3 times already these past 6 months. Each time I leave Thailand I stay somewhere for around 2 weeks before returning so no quick boarder bounces or any overstays. I'm never asked any questions by immigration but I'm aware they soon probably will. Next time, in March, would I be safer applying for a two month visa somewhere or entering on another stamp if again leaving it a couple of weeks before returning?
My Elite Visa application got rejected last year after being on a volunteer visa for a couple of years prior so I've been forced to do these tourist in and outs until I can find another legitimate way to stay here. Just curious of other's experiences and advice 👍 Thanks.