I would like to learn the language and at the same time could get an extanded stay. Thanks 🙏
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The consensus among community members is that a Thai language class does not qualify for a DTV (Digital Nomad Visa). Instead, participants suggest that an Education Visa (ED Visa) is the appropriate visa type for studying Thai language, with options for 9-month to 1-year durations depending on the school. There have been mentions of flexibility with ED Visas, allowing for consecutive applications through different language classes.
You need to apply for ED visa. You should consult an expert. I have an agency that I recommend. They do both ED visa and DTV visa. You can contact them.
There have been success stories so YES it can be done but most will say no which is not true. Gotta do more research to see how others did it.
Da ****
just get an ED visa.. its 1 year per visa and you can do multiple consecutively (different thai language classes for example). its like 50k baht for a year all included. very simple to get and low effort.
it always depends… you come to a foreign country. why not learn the language and immerse yourself? its a great opportunity. also the schools are the best place to meet people. you can easily get the visa with low effort. you dont need 500k in the bank. its more reputable than the dtv. open bank account, etc.. dont get me wrong, the DTV is amazing. but the ED is always a good option for a few years. so yes its more expensive but you also get a service in return (learning).
ohh yes but I think the flexibility of the DTV is much better than the ED from what I understand. If you can cover the 500 000 THB and also can apply for DTV with thai classe its super convenient. Id like to learn it no matter which type of visa. Hopefully DTV works for me
Da ****
Anonymer Teilnehmer yes sure. get the DTV if you can and your documents are sufficient for it… sadly there is very little info yet on soft power activities. even here in the group. i wish there would be a more clear definition of the actual requirements as the embassies just list an „approval letter“ or something.
but evey 2 or 3 months you need to go to the immigration. That how it works in Bangkok. Unless you are taking class at university, otherwise you only get 3 months *4 for language institution. And you need to arrive the immigration at 6 am in the morning to line up and it can be done late till to 8 or 9 pm...An entire day wasted. I used to on ED visa and I changed to DTV ...
every 3 months… takes usualy less than an hour in Krabi. mostly its 15mins and done. no reason to stay in big city Bangkok or in Pattaya for me personally where everything is just more complicated and takes way longer. i prefer the ease of life. i also did the DTV but ED is always a great and very easy option.
yeah. Things are easier in small cities. Share my experience: You can also take classes in language school with dtv visa. They don't care what visa you have (even university doesn't care if you are on Ed visa). For me dtv more flexible and hassle free, plus multiple entry. ED visa every time you leave the country you need to pay 1900 thb for re-entry.
so you were also able to get DTV visa using the Thai Language class? Thank you
Payne ******
Anonymous participant no. I got a dtv visa but with that I can still go to a language school to learn Thai without worrying about visa extension or attendance. I can learn for 2 months and then take a month gap to travel around, come back and continue to learn. That gets me more flexibility than Ed visa. With ED visa, it is more strict that you have to follow the schedule and attend the class.
how often do you have class ? Do you build your own schedule ? Thank you again for your answers its helping alot 🙏
Da ****
Anonymer Teilnehmer in that particular school its 2x2 hours per week minimum. i guess officially 80% attendance rate. can do more of course and schedule is done with the teachers together whenever they have classes available. 10-12 or 13-15 usualy… can highly recommend
Je suis joueur de poker aussi est ce que tu as eu ton DTV en tant que joueur pro ou tu es sur un autre <<programme>>? Merci 🙏
Gwenaël ******
Participant(e) anonyme hello. J'ai pas fait le dtv encore. Mais je pense pas que ça marche. Mais comme ils ont ouvert le poker il y a un mois ça peut être une possibilité... Mais j'en doute. Tout est trop récent je pense. J'ai fait un visa ED l'année dernière.
I have answered the same question a few times now...with the same outcome of doubt and disbelief.
I can assure you and any other administrators, experts, top contributors or whatever, that I applied in the UK for a DTV by submitting my application and proof of acceptance at a Thai language school in Bangkok, which I have been attending for the last month , and got, within 10 days my DTV.
what was the process? Is it private thai class or going trough scholarships ?
George *********
Private lessons at a school in Bangkok. Just finished today's lesson. There's a few schools in Bangkok...need to pay for them, get a letter of acceptance, proof that the school and teachers are government approved.
ok and then also since its DTV proof of 500 000 THB ? What school would you recommend for english ? What does the pricing look like? Thank you for your help