The tax policy is truly complicated. Most info available online are false and mixed with truth. If you stay in Thailand for less than 6 months, there is no need to declare for tax.
I am not planning to be a rule breaker otherwise I won't ask for the information. What I read online is really contradict to what is happening out there. I am really confusing what or not should I do. I have spoken with some locals, and they have no idea about the regulations.
I searched the article online, yeah I saw the reports. There are still many get away with this. Sometimes you can't tell whether he/she is a tourist or tour guide. From my personal experience, I saw some at the temples myself. The officers stationed there seem to be ignorance.
Thanks for your input Brandon. I didn't know a foreigner cannot be the tour guide. I remembered I saw a Caucasian guy leading a group of German tourists around the city. It seems the law is making it hard for non-local to get into the tour industry. However, there are many are getting away with this restriction.