Hi everyone đđ. I am 39, Norwegian citizen, single, disabled and have a stable income. I am staying in Najomtien/ Chonburi with a tourist visa right now. My question is; what type of visa should I have or should choose to stay in Thailand until age of 50? Any recommendations?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A 39-year-old Norwegian citizen currently in Thailand on a tourist visa is seeking advice on visa options to remain in the country until the age of 50. The main suggestions from the community include obtaining an Elite Visa, which offers long-term stay benefits despite its cost. Other options such as multiple-entry tourist visas or border runs are mentioned, but these could lead to complications with immigration. There's a consensus that the Elite Visa is the best choice for stability and avoiding issues with visa renewals, particularly due to the difficulties associated with applying for long-term visas if under 50.
Thailand might be not the best option. Unless you have a specific reason, you'd better consider other countries in ASEAN such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc
If you re sure you gonna stay here and you can afford it - elite visa. Even with the higher current price when you count the money saved from trips and agents, the days saved in travelling and the problems you gonna face soon or later if you go for an Ed visa, it will be a good deal. Keep in mind that a bad history with overstays and Ed visas could affect your future application for elite. p.s. ofc you can go for ltr visa if you can meet the requirements or for a business visa, but without previous experience in Thailand this would be risky. GL.
Det er vanskelig Ä fÄ til et varig opphold i Thailand nÄr du er under 50 Är. Elite visa er en mulighet men det er dyrt. Et 60 dagers multiple entries turist visa gir deg mulighet til Ä vÊre opptil 9 mÄneder, men du mÄ ha et par grensepasseringer. Det mÄ du fÄ i Norge fÞr du reiser. Ellers sÄ er det visa run til thai ambassader/konsulat i omkringliggende land. Det gir deg et to mÄneders singel entry turist visum som du hver gang kan forlenge en gang med 30 dager ved lokal immigrasjon. Ellers er det sÄkalte boarder bounces -grensesprett- som gir deg en mÄned visumfritak og som ogsÄ kan forlenges en mÄned ved lokal immigrasjon. Det er vanskelig Ä leve mere permanent i Thailand pÄ disse uten at du etterhvert vil fÄ spÞrsmÄl ved immigrasjonen. Anbefaler deg Ä bruke et erfarent firma til Ä hjelpe deg med dette. GjÞres pÄ en dag fra jomtien til rundt 3000thb. (Boarder bounche) Kan kun -om du er heldig- gjÞres to ganger pr kalender Är.
Tusen takk for disse gode anbefalingene. Setter stor pris pĂ„ detđđŒ . Mener du visumkontorer (visa offices) rundt jomtien som har erfaringer rundt dette? Da kan jeg hĂžre med dem đ
Du kan gjerne hÞre med visa agentene rundt i omrÄdet om dine muligheter, men som sagt permanent opphold i TH under 50 Är uten elite visa er vanskelig. Det kommer stadig tilbakemeldinger om folk som er blitt stillt spÞrsmÄl ved grensene nÄr de reiser inn og ut uten visa. Trenger du Ä gjÞre en grensepassering uten visa, er det lurt Ä fÄ et firma som driver med dette til Ä frakte deg og gjÞre jobben. Da er du sikker pÄ at det gÄr greit, og det koster 3000-3500thb for transport, papirarbeidet og lunch og gjÞres pÄ en dag.
Elite visa is your best option. It'd be extremely difficult to try to pad 11 years out with ED visas and tourist visas. Eventually you'd be denied entry. You could probably stretch four years by doing a university degree
AxMdob *******
Elite visa is,for u a good option , but did you know that philippina,or Malaysia,give you tons,of better option
most friendly, more open minded, excellent English language less weed junkies or drunk farang I can see only good points....but you can make a mix of the 3 in on year and you will be never disappointed
You do realize that yaba is not Marijuana. Weed shops are just another business. And there will always be intoxicated people driving. Even people driving on drugs that were prescribed. You've probably done it yourself. Did you ever drive after taking medication that said "Do not drive or operate heavy machinery"? I bet you have.
if you like too much intoxicated people , I not judge you , it s a fact that I don t like smell the weed in my hotel my condo or in the street it s a thing that I don t like
Well then, if you ask politely, maybe the world and all it's people will conform to your wishes. I'm sure you do things that annoy other people. And just how old are you?