Getting messaged by people "who can help" when you make a post..
The mod/admin team has received several messages from people who have made a post asking about their visa/extension situation and who were then messaged by people saying they could help.
If this happens to you please report the person that messaged to you to the admin/mod team. We have no idea if the person contacting you knows what they are talking about or if they can help you.
Occasionally the admin/mod team may message members who have made posts to get clarity or to understand the post better.
In addition to our many many helpful members this is the mod/admin team: Robert Lagas, Lloyd Turner, James Miller, Benjamin Hays, Ellie Takei and yours truly, Tod Daniels
Thanx one and all for being a member of the group, for contributing to the posts to help people get accurate information AND we wish you and yours a safe and happy holiday season.