Success! -- (USA/Bangkok Office/30 Day Tourist Visa)
Two weeks ago I posted about my experiences getting the "Under Consideration" stamp. And yesterday was the day to go back to receive the final approval.
Unfortunately I did not make an appointment and was told very politely and nicely to "come back tomorrow" even though there was hardly anyone there.
I was assured that coming one day late would not affect my decision by more than one staffer, so I reluctantly ate the 700 baht and "came back today" spending another 700.
Please make the appointment before going!
Anyway, I got there today and in about 15 minutes was just handed back my passport and told to have a nice day, in the Thai way of just efficiently taking care of things without bothering to explain too much. (Sometimes that is hard to get used to).
So I am good until October 26 again. Which gives some time to complete long term plans. Let's hope the new 90 day visa will apply to people in our class.
Good luck to the rest of those going through the process!
From what I saw the process was more or less perfunctory and it seemed that everyone I saw there seemed to be happy with their result.
So long as papers are in order they do not *seem* to be denying anyone at this point.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user successfully extended their 30-day tourist visa at the Bangkok office after experiencing a slight delay due to not having an appointment. They paid 700 baht for each visit and noted the efficiency of the process, with no indication of visa denials as long as all documentation is in order. The extension allows them to stay until October 26, while they hope for future changes in visa policies.