Requirement to be double vaccinated confirmed now from the 9th January. The requirement has now been passed to the airlines and they are already updating their websites. Children under 18 exempt. Johnson and Johnson single dose is ok. Recovery certificates less than 6 months old accepted.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Starting January 9, 2023, Thailand will require travelers to present proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Children under 18 are exempt from this requirement, and the Johnson and Johnson single-dose vaccine is accepted, along with recovery certificates that are less than six months old. Airlines are updating their websites to reflect these new guidelines, although the official announcement has yet to appear in the Thai gazette.
The checking is to be done by the airlines before boarding on behalf of the Thai authorities. So contact your airline and ask them if they will accept Johnson and Johnson single shot.
The problem is the requirement has only been sent to airlines, it has not been sent to consulates or embassies so there is not the usual guidance. The UK foreign office website still says there are NO restrictions on entering Thailand. I don't think this rubbish will last long. Emirates have not updated their website. It is still saying no restrictions for Thailand. This is what Qantas are saying on their website ''Travel from 9 January 2023
All passengers entering Thailand must provide evidence of being fully vaccinated according to Government of the Kingdom of Thailand guidelines.
This means having completed a full course at least 14 days before your day of travel. Your vaccination certificate must show your full name as per your passport and be written in English.''
The Thai guidelines are what I sent you and were also published on the Thai civil aviation website. I would just print them off and keep them to hand. In the absence of anything else they should stand.
Reply to
Alison *******************
Alison *******************
Yes it is accepted. I will try to find the official info and get back to you. I might PM you if I cannot post the link successfully.
It is weird they have sent it directly to the airlines. Quantas and Turkish updated their travel advice but not NZ etc as yet. Yet it will affect long haul flights departing tomorrow.