Need a vaccine card for a flight, anywhere to get one?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The general consensus in the comments is that you do not need a vaccination certificate to enter Thailand or to fly domestically within the country. However, if you need proof of vaccination for a different country that still requires it, you might want to check with local healthcare providers, like Doctor Donna in Bangkok. It is suggested that some countries may soon relax their vaccination proof requirements.
No need. If you need one for a country that still requires vax proof, consider waiting things out as I expect the remaining countries with these rules (such as the USA and Indonesia) will scrap them within 2-3 months. The USA has already hinted this will happen in 2 months time (after May 11, 2023).
Otherwise, there's an app but I won't talk about it on here.
Graham ******
Look up Doctor Donna for Bangkok
Peter *********
Not need
Bennito *********
You don't need a vaccination certificate to enter Thailand. Als not to fly domestically in Thailand
im in thailand. other countries do need it. hence my question of where to get one, im assuming there's some random business on the street that will hand em out for 500 baht
Pui *****
The official yellow Vaccine passport for vaccinations in Thailand are normally issued by the hospital where you got your Covid vaccination. They won't issue you one if you only have foreign vaccinations, but they will add your previous foreign shots to your vaccine passport if you provide it to them at the time they issue the vaccination passport for your Thai booster. You didn't get a vaccination record wherever you got your vaccinations?