I had a Non-Imm B visa with Work permit and extension of stay. After second year my work decided not to extend another year so it expired/canceled on September 20th. On October 4th I got my Non-Imm O based on marriage. Now work wants me to do project in Thailand again.
My question is am I able to get short term Work Permit on Non-Imm O visa? They are checking with Labor tomorrow but I figured I’d know quicker here.
I don’t want to cancel current visa just to get B and 15 day WP. Then have to apply for Non-I’m O again.
I’m pushing them to issue B visa with WP and extension again but they let last one expire due to tightening regulations and tax laws. I don’t work in country often.
If they agree to Non-Imm B with work Permit I assume I have to leave Thailand to apply. Where is the best/quickest place to do this?
This site has been fantastic for the short amount of time I’ve been a member. Thanks.