. You can if you have a non imm O visa and a work permit and your name registered in a tabien bahn here. Expect a minimum 200% on top of THEIR valuation of vehicle and shipping fees are also taxed.
. Ok. You need to ask them if you can apply for a yearly retirement extension whilst on and before your covid extension expires. I'm pretty sure you can't. I know I couldn't on a nonO spouse ext when I asked. Best to ask them directly as shit changes on a regular basis with imm here.
. If they deny you the extension when you return, they will grant you a 7 day extension stamp to give you time to leave or as you said, tell you to apply for covid ext. I believe you can't get a yearly extension on the back of a covid extension. You have to.leave and re enter on a fresh visa if that happens .You didn't get an extra stamp.because you still had enough time left on your visa to deal with it.
. You don't need to be there. As long as someone there verifies you live there it's OK. Even your neighbor can. They don't give you a time or date so they can't expect you to be there
And if you ate unsuccessful, they will give you a 7 days to leave stamp.
. Bangkok imm don't always do house visits. I'm on my 5th yearly extension. Previous 4 they didn't bother .I doubt they have the resources or logistics to do 100 a day in BBK. From what I hear they may on your first extension , or if it seems suspect.Smaller provincial offices always do house visits to my knowledge.
Regarding returning, when you apply they stamp you on for an extra period(21-30 days).
You return on that date and they stamp.you again for the remainder of the 365 days.
Date of return might vary if it falls on a weekend.